I’ve received a number requests for a coconut flour pancakes recipe, most coming from those of you who’ve tried and loved these Coconut Flour Cookies. A few of these requests even mentioned having tried other recipes for coconut flour pancakes in the past, without success. Challenge accepted! I set out to see if I could come up with a recipe for coconut flour pancakes that would be a wholesome, filling, delicious breakfast that felt worth your time and tummy space. It took five tries (yes, FIVE) to get these right, but I have them for you at last. They’re lightly sweet and tender, and while I loved my Coconut Flour Pancakes with banana, a drizzle of maple syrup, and peanut butter (seriously, try it!), they’re equally tasty with any one of those, or even on their own if you are in a hurry. There are a few things you need to know before you set out to make these pancakes, so be sure to take a good look at the rest of the post and recipe notes. I’ve also included a step-by-step recipe video for you that shows the coconut flour pancakes in action.

What Is Coconut Flour?

If you’ve never cooked or baked with coconut flour, please allow me to introduce you. Coconut flour is exactly what it sounds like—flour that’s made from ground coconut—but it has incredibly unique properties. I love to use it because I like the taste of recipes that use it and because coconut flour is good for you! It’s naturally high in fiber and protein, meaning the recipes I make with it tend to turn out that way too. You can bake with coconut flour! And make pancakes with it too, but please make sure the recipe was developed for coconut flour specifically. Coconut flour is not like any other flour. It is very dry and heavy, meaning that the recipes that call for it tend to have a lot of liquid ingredients to compensate (eggs being a big one). Coconut flour can’t be substituted 1:1 in recipes that call for wheat flour (nor can you use wheat flour to make coconut flour pancakes). Please, PLEASE believe me here. I want your pancakes to be perfect! Speaking of unique…

How to Make Fluffy Pancakes with Coconut Flour

These pancakes are delicate (in a good way!). Because coconut flour is unique, it also yields unique pancakes. They are very tender and delicate but in a super yummy, melt-in-your mouth way. Unfortunately, the delicate nature means that pancake batter made with coconut flour is tricky to flip. I tried dozens of different flour/liquid ratios, pancake sizes, and pan temperatures in an attempt to make the pancakes as easy as possible to flip without drying them out. Please follow the size and heat tips in the recipe very closely. I also highly recommend using a thin, flexible spatula like this fish spatula or this thinner plastic spatula to turn them.

Is Coconut Flour Diet Friendly?

Coconut flour is gluten free, so these pancakes are perfect for those who need to avoid gluten. For those seeking a Paleo coconut flour pancakes recipe, you can swap a coconut-milk-based yogurt for the Greek yogurt in this recipe. I’m not familiar enough with the keto diet to declaratively state that yes, these pancakes are keto, BUT I can tell you that they are low carb, which I know is an important part of the keto diet. The one diet I wasn’t able to accommodate is making these coconut flour pancakes vegan. The eggs proved to be essential to bind the pancakes and keep them from becoming dry. I have heard about mashed banana being used as a substitute, so if you try the coconut flour pancakes with banana instead, I’d love to hear how it goes! (Check out this Vegan Pancakes recipe in the meantime!)

For those not following a specific diet (myself included), you will still love these pancakes for being their healthy, high-protein, high-fiber, tasty breakfast selves.

If you are making pancakes for one or two, the leftovers are easy to freeze and reheat. I have plenty of tips in the recipe notes for you below.

More Coconut Flour Recipes

Coconut Flour Muffins Cookie Dough Protein Balls Paleo Zucchini Bread with Chocolate Chips Paleo Banana Bread Carolyn’s Blueberry Coconut Flour Waffles

This is the brand of coconut flour I buy. Coconut flour can vary from brand to brand, and I’ve found this one to be the most consistent. Thin, flexible spatula. You will not regret this. If you are feeling fancy: an electric griddle (I like this one because it doubles as a panini press; a nonstick pan on the stove works well too!) Coconut Flour Pancakes  Low Carb and Gluten Free    WellPlated com - 74Coconut Flour Pancakes  Low Carb and Gluten Free    WellPlated com - 49Coconut Flour Pancakes  Low Carb and Gluten Free    WellPlated com - 46Coconut Flour Pancakes  Low Carb and Gluten Free    WellPlated com - 41Coconut Flour Pancakes  Low Carb and Gluten Free    WellPlated com - 64Coconut Flour Pancakes  Low Carb and Gluten Free    WellPlated com - 81